+31 (0)70-2629197 •

Expat Services

Income Tax Returns

Many expats come to the Netherlands without being aware of the tax benefits or the obligation to report income tax.

Filing a tax return does not automatically mean that income tax must be paid. As an expat coming to the Netherlands or leaving during a particular year they can qualify for a tax refund. HD Belastingadvies can make a calculation and assist you in filing the income tax return. Please contact us for options or fill out the questionnaire.

30% rule

The 30% rule is a tax benefit for expatriates working in the Netherlands. The advantage is that 30% of the salary will be paid tax-free. To apply for the 30% rule, there are several requirements that must be met. HD Belastingadvies can help you to apply the 30% rule. Having the 30% rule also brings other advantages for expats, such as applying for a driver license in the Netherlands. Please contact us for more information.

Meet obligations

It is for employers a complicated and time-consuming process to ensure that all applicable rules and regulations are complied with. What needs to be paid? What social insurance should be paid? We can help you to meet all legal obligations.

International companies

HD Belastingadvies also offers services to international companies wishing to settle in the Netherlands. The choice of the appropriate entity in order to start a business during this process will be discussed first. We can help you from the start of the company and advise on the structure of the administration. Fiscal merits and legal obligations will be discussed, so it will be clear which rules should be met in the Netherlands. For more information, please contact us.

Immigration Services

We can offer immigration services for both individuals and businesses through our partner. For individuals, we can check the licenses and submit applications to extend the permit or change depending on the situation. For companies that want to settle here, we can control the process and also provide the necessary permits and licenses. Please contact us for immigration services.